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Writer's picturemeghays72

Best Friends

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Today is my best friend’s birthday! WOOHOO!

Don’t worry Wendi, I’m not telling anyone your age because I’m right behind you!!!  Hee, hee!!!

Wendi and I have been BFF’s since we were three years old and met while attending preschool in a suburb of Chicago. Our friendship grew through elementary school and was solidified in Junior High when I moved to Tennessee.

We were lucky enough to have parents who nurtured our relationship and allowed us to run up high phone bills often, spend weeks on end in the summer together and visit during important life events.

Our bond was like none other.  We talked about everything – boys, dreams, fears, parents, friends and Jesus Christ.

Yep, He was there from the beginning.  Sure we didn’t know Him as we do today, but we were always aware that He was a huge part of our connection.

Totally off subject – I just have to brag on my fabulous friend.  Wendi is the kindest, most loving, honest, creative, intelligent woman I know.  She is so cool and can do almost anything!!  Okay, maybe that’s a stretch, but she’s amazing!!!

I mean, come on!!!  She makes her own vanilla extract!  I don’t even know where the vanilla extract is located at the grocery store!!

The best part about my friend, Wendi, is that she makes me a better person. She is a great woman, wife, mother, daughter, sister, teacher and friend. Wendi cares about those she loves and shows them often. You can tell when others have been around her because they smile more.

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. Proverbs 20:17

The old proverb is true. Wendi has sharpened me for years to be the best Meg I can be. She’s done this by example and by her encouragement.

In fact, Wendi is the reason I started reading the Bible three years ago. She had talked for years about scriptures and I was completely clueless. Through her continued mentioning of scripture, I finally wanted to know more.  Wendi was never pushy, condescending or haughty. She absolutely glowed with the light of Christ inside her…and I wanted it, too.

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. Romans 10:17

I truly couldn’t ask for a better friend.  I know God placed her in my life so that we both could have an accountability partner and a Christ-ally on this earth.

For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Ecclesiastes 4:10

I may stumble occasionally, but I am very fortunate to have a friend like Wendi to pick me up, dust me off and push me forward! Plus, with her as my friend…I will never be alone.  Her love spreads across the country and warms my heart.

Thank you Wendi for being the best friend a girl could have!! Happy Birthday! I love you!

Some Wisdom for Today:  Proverbs 18:24 – A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

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