Christmas shopping makes me smile. I love rushing from store to store amid twinkling lights, jingling bells, and rustling store bags. The holiday aromas draw me into a dream-like state and remind me of years past when I was frightened of the snow monster in Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and fascinated that Frosty came to life.
I’m still a little scared of that snow beast in Rudolph, but holiday shopping is something I have taken by the horns and conquered. I make my list; check it twice and forge ahead to buy a little bit of happiness for my friends and family. I usually even get a few things for myself and the house. It’s the one time of the year I actually like to shop and I’ve gotten pretty good at it!
Have I mentioned that the reason for all of this shopping is in memory of the birth of Jesus Christ? No. Sadly, that is usually an afterthought and one that is quickly swept under the rug so I can get to the good stuff like holiday parties, Christmas cookies and that yummy spiced wine my sister makes!
Saying ‘put the reason back into the season’ is actually just talk to make myself feel better. If it were true, I’d live differently and not just during Christmas. The reality is that I have become a consumer instead of a contributor.
What I mean is that I take much more than I give. Sure, I give once in a while, but I’m much more focused on what I can GET. I listen to others, but I really want to be heard. I give to others, but I really want to win the lottery. I fit others into my schedule, but I really want them to make it convenient for me. I pray to God and lamely try to worship Him, but I really want Him to give me what I want, get me out of binds and make life easy.
This has to change!
Thank you God for the nudging in my heart that is whispering, “Meg, get your head out of your rear-end!” If it wasn’t for the prompting of the Holy Spirit I would be headed down the same road this year and that is simply not good enough.
Here are the changes I intend to make during this Christmas season:
Pray for a servant’s heart. – This way I’ll know what to do when the time comes. Lord, you might want to put the answers in a neon sign!!
Use my talents for the good of others. – Guess I’ll be singing at the nursing home!
Be realistic. – Don’t sweat the small stuff and breathe deeply when stress comes a’knocking!
Give to the guys on the roadside asking for money. – Who cares what they do with it!
Sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to Jesus on Christmas. – Uh…it is His birthday.
My goal is to contribute more than I consume. This year I want to sincerely celebrate the birth of a man who has saved my life. Make Him proud and maybe give a little of myself instead of a present wrapped with a bow.
How do you put Jesus in the season?
Some Wisdom for Today: Proverbs 19:17 – He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward him for what he has done.